Friday, January 15, 2010

Writer's Block

Yup, it's happened again. Everytime I sit down to write my book, it happens. I could be right in the middle of a sentence, a paragraph, an essential line of dialogue.
But then, I stop. My hands freeze in place above the keyboard. My mind grows blank. Words imprinted on the humming screen march like angry black ants along my eyes. They seem to mock me. The blank space below is disheartening. I tap the edge of my keyboard in impatience, waiting for the words to pour out of my fingers and onto the keyboard.
What is my young protaginist going to do now? I've left the little blond lad dangling off a cliff. Poor guy. Guess he'll have to hang in there until this writing block is over.
For now, maybe working on my other book will help ease this over. (See I'm technically writing two at once, the first and third of my series. They have different protaginists.)
Okay so I write this other book for a while. Howdy Doody, all is well. Until the infamous writer's block strikes again. Now this time, my poor teenage werewolf is awkwardly trying to break up with his annoying girlfriend so he can go out with the object of his affections. This is not going well. He's going to have to stuck there for a while until this brain wave blockade ceases.
After a while (thankfully) the writer's block eventually passes. Like always, I type like mad until...
Yet another writer's block episode hit.

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